I write about science in its many shapes and forms and examine the intersections of science, policy, and society. I am currently the section editor for food, land, and nature at Carbon Brief; previously, I was Carbon Brief's food systems journalist.
In 2023, I was an early-career fellow at The Open Notebook.
Before that, I was an intern at Nature, and before that, an editorial fellow at Chemical & Engineering News. In 2018, I was a AAAS Mass Media Science & Engineering Fellow at King 5, a local TV station in Seattle.
Freelance pieces of mine have appeared in Discover, Gizmodo, Chemical & Engineering News, Nature, and Caltech Magazine.
In graduate school, I co-founded an outreach blog, Caltech Letters, and I was the managing editor for two years.

I earned my PhD in Environmental Science and Engineering (ESE) in June 2019 from the Geological and Planetary Sciences division at Caltech. I studied physical oceanography using a variety of numerical and observational techniques under my advisor, Andy Thompson.
More specifically, I studied the role that submesoscale motions play in setting the dynamics of the upper ocean. These small-scale motions are not currently resolved in global climate models, but have been previously found (via models) to be extremely influential in setting vertical exchanges of water. I hope to use autonomous observations of the upper ocean structure to determine how these dynamics influence carbon storage by the deep ocean.
While at Caltech, I worked to engage students with the LA community at large and served on several boards, creating diverse programming to aid in the personal and professional development of women on campus at all levels.
I also enjoy giving public outreach talks and have spoken to many diverse groups, from middle-school students to the staffers of Palmer Station, Antarctica!

& more.
On my weekends, you can generally find me watching Premier League soccer with the Pasadena Reds official Liverpool FC supporters group.
I also enjoy playing soccer, running long distances, and scuba diving.
I served as a director for the Out for Undergrad Engineering Conference in 2017 and 2018, a conference that brings together high-achieving LGBTQ undergrads and competitive engineering firms to help the students reach their full potential.